Mick Hawkins, Web Developer
CSS3 JavaScript Strict HTML5

Skills and Knowledge

I’ve been programming in one language or another since age eleven. Originally starting in DOS, I quickly upgraded to start creating Windows applications in Visual Basic 6. I got my first taste for web development in 2004 and have greatly enjoyed learning more and more over the years as technology evolves.

Listed below are my current skills.


  • PHP 5+ (primarily Object Oriented)
  • JavaScript (jQuery, JSON, prototypical inheritance)
  • HTML5 (including fallback library use)
  • CSS3 (including animations and transforms)
  • AJAX
  • SMARTY templating
  • Microsoft Visual Basic 6
  • Basic understanding of C#

Data Querying and Storage

  • MySQL 5+
  • XML
  • JSON
  • CSV

Content Management Systems

  • Custom Built Systems
  • WordPress


  • Responsive Design
  • Mobile & hand-held devices
  • Social media integration
  • Google API Usage (i.e. Google Maps)
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Website speed optimisation
  • Website analytics
  • Dynamic PDF generation
  • QR Code generation
  • Database optimisation & normalisation
  • Animation via scripting
  • Website and database security (i.e. injection attacks)
  • Graphic manipulation
  • Subversion & TortoiseSVN
  • Domain, FTP and SSH
  • UNIX command line
  • CPanel/Web Panel
  • Cron tasks
  • Testing and debugging